英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 16:25:22
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1. reduce pressure or intensity

e.g. he eased off the gas pedal and the car slowed down

Synonym: ease upease off

2. become less in amount or intensity

e.g. The storm abated
The rain let up after a few hours

Synonym: abateslack offslackdie away

1. (指持续的令人不快的过程)停止,缓和,减弱
If an unpleasant, continuous process lets up, it stops or becomes less intense.

let up的近义词

e.g. The traffic in this city never lets up, even at night...
e.g. The rain had let up.

1. let up

1. 减小;(雨等)渐渐停止:let out 放掉(水等),发出 | let up 减小;(雨等)渐渐停止 | on a level with 和...同一水准

2. 减少,减小:11. look up 查找(单词) | 12. let up 减少,减小 | 13. in any case (或 event )无论如何

3. 雨停了:blizzard 大风雪 | 3. let up 雨停了 | clear up 天放晴

4. let up的近义词

4. 停止:let up on 宽容对待 | let up 停止 | let well alone 不要画蛇添足

Now that Kazakhstan has its law, Ms. Sivryukova's volunteers have not let up their vigilance.(现在哈萨克斯坦有了自己的法律,但席瑞科娃的志愿者们也没有放松警惕。)
“WE WON'T let up,” insisted Bob McDonald, the boss of Procter & Gamble (P&G) at the annual shareholder meeting of the world's biggest consumer-goods company on October 12th.(“我们毫不松懈”,10月12日宝洁公司(P&G)的老板鲍伯·麦克唐纳在这个全球最大的消费品公司年度股东会议上如此强调。)
If you fall, dust it off. Don't let up.(如果你跌倒了,掸掉身上的灰尘,不要放松。)
“WE WON'T let up,” insisted Bob McDonald, the boss of Procter & Gamble (P&G), at the annual shareholder meeting of the world's biggest consumer-goods firm on October 12th.(10月12日,在世界上最大的消费品公司——宝洁公司的年度股东大会上,总裁BobMcDonald强调:“我们会坚持不懈。”)
This method is simple and effective, and also allows the Top to let up very quickly if necessary.(这一方法简单有效,施虐者在必要时候也可以很快松手。)
I felt autumn all around me, even in the heat and humidity that will just not let up where we are.(我能够感觉到整个秋天把我包围起来,甚至我的心里也是秋天的影子,潮湿也并不能够使我停止下来。)
Nor did Mrs Clinton let up for a moment.(希拉里也一刻都没有松懈。)
The pain finally let up.(疼痛终于减轻了。)
Don't expect the action to let up soon.(别指望这一迅猛势头会很快放慢下来。)
The boy who called me stupid wouldn't let up, mocking me for my accent.(那个说我傻的男孩并没有放手的意思,他又嘲笑我的口音。)
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